01/09/2023 - W rocznicę wybuchu II wojny światowej - Apel do Narodu Niemieckiego W czasie pikiety przed Konsulatem Generalnym we Wrocławiu w 84-tą rocznicę napaści na Polskę 1 września 1939 r. wręczono kopię Apelu do Narodu Niemieckiego, którego oryginał otrzymał Prezydent RFN.

W Apelu wzywamy społeczeństwo niemieckie do cywilizowanego załatwienia i rozliczenia kosztów wojny wobec Narodu Polskiego.

Apel podpisali wraz ze środowiskami patriotycznymi Wrocławia i Rodzinami Ofiar:
    dr Barbara Wojnarowska – Gautier 
    więzień KL Auschwitz nr 83638
   Przewodnicząca Społecznego Komitetu 14 Czerwca  1940 r. 
  daty pierwszego transportu Polaków do Auschwitz
    prof. dr hab. Elżbieta Kuta
 córka więźniarki KL Ravensbrück Jadwigi Kuty nr obozowy 7273
      Prezes Stowarzyszenia „Rodzina Więźniarek Niemieckiego Obozu                                                       
                 Koncentracyjnego Ravensbrück”
                    Elżbieta Kuta
                 Wiesław Misiek
   syn więźnia KL Auschwit nr 106341
Tekst Apelu:
 Wrocław, 1.09.2023 
The President of 
The Federal Republic of Germany
Frank-Walter Steinmeier
September 1, 2023 is the 84th anniversary of the aggression of the Third German Reich against Poland, which gave rise to the cruelest total world war in the history of Latin civilization.
We, the living Victims and families of millions of Victims of German barbarism, demand from the German Nation and the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, as the criminal successor of the Third German Reich, real compensation for the enormity of personal crimes and the looting of Polish public and private property.
The cruel German occupation, aimed, in accordance with Hitler's Generalplan Ost, at liquidating the Polish Nation and State and creating "living space" for Greater Germany on our territory, led to the loss of centuries-old achievements and set our Nation back in development by several generations.
As a result of the war, Poland  lost 11-12 million citizens, i.e. about 1/3 of its population and half of its territory, i.e. over 188,000. km2; we lost at least 40% of national wealth, and almost 5 million Polish slaves spent years building the Reich's wealth for free, which is still used by the German nation today.
Your fathers and your mothers stole 200,000 Polish children in order to denationalize and Germanize them and left millions of disabled, sick and hundreds of thousands of orphans on Polish soil.
You exploited our country without mercy for almost 6 years, exporting tens of millions of tons of coal, steel and zinc every year, millions of tons of cereals, meat and all kinds of food, hundreds of thousands of wagons with everything that had any value for your economy. You stole over 500,000 individual works of art, the vast majority of which have not been returned to this day, you burned 90% of Polish books. The list of barbaric achievements of your ancestors could go on for a long time.
For those 6 years, you terrorized and tortured our citizens by building thousands of prisons and camps with the "famous" Konzentrationslager Auschwitz, where you industrially murdered Poles, Jews and representatives of over 20 other nations.
After the war, the international community treated your ancestors quite leniently, and in the London Agreement of 1953, it released half of the debts and gave the Marshall Plan on top of that. Germany settled accounts with the nations of Western Europe, but with Poland and Poles, with the Slavic nations, there has been no settlement to this day. For several decades the victims have been divided into better and worse, which means that Germany is still a racist state, which has recently been publicly confirmed by the high representative of the Federal Republic of Germany. Nothing has changed, because even a year after losing the war, 30% of Germans believed that the extermination of Jews and Poles was necessary. To this day, the supposedly "democratic" state blocks the pursuit of claims by Polish citizens before German courts.
The presidents and chancellors of Germany apologize to us for what you have done to us, but immediately point out that you do not owe us anything! This is completely untrue, and debts must be paid.
We expect that the German society, which is so "law-abiding" after all, will mobilize the German government to start talks with representatives of Poland about repairing the damage your ancestors caused to Poland and our citizens. The Potsdam Agreement and numerous international conventions oblige you to repair what was damaged by the war caused by your State. Civil claims of War Victims do not expire and are subject to inheritance until they are fully satisfied.

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