New drones applications

11.04.2017 / czytano: 6050 razy

Sky Tronic, high-tech company based in Wrocław won Polish edition of New Economy Heroes 2017 competition few weeks ago. Sky Tronic has been awarded as one of the most innovative and future-oriented Polish start-ups using the Internet of Things. Scientific team of Sky Tronic developed fuzzy logic controller for novel autonomous steering and stabilising of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV or drones).

The advanced technologies start-up was set up by scientists and graduates of Wrocław University of Science and Technology and the University of Economics with the Wrocław University of Science and Technology owned company Instytut Transferu Technologii (The Institute of Technology Transfer).



Sky Tronic, New Economy Hero 2017 gained the interest of companies to collaborate on implementation of novel fuzzy logic controllers in their business activity and new drone applications. 
The competition jury panel of international competition New Economy Heroes 2017 decided that fuzzy logic controller for novel autonomous steering and stabilising developed by Sky Tronic is the most innovative Internet-of-Things product in 2017.  

– Our fuzzy logic controller was appreciated for its technological advancement, functionality and its influence on more precise ans stable flights of UAV 
- stated Michał Lower,PhD, Product Development Director at Sky Tronic
 - Fuzzy logic controller sets new standards for steering of UAV flights and stays ahead our competition as our team developed  
innovative technological solutions.

Novel navigation system should improve the safety and stability of UAV flights in difficult weather and terrain conditions

- New Economy Hero 2017 title is a confirmation for us that our fuzzy logic
is very innovative and unique on global market. The win in this prestigious competition is good international promotion for us and opens a way to market our technology globally
 – added Michał Lower, PhD. - The New Economy Heroes 2017 competition was jointly organised by CodersTrust Polska, Business Link, Academic Incubators
From Left: Justyna Gudaszewska, Michał Lower, Beata Jarosz, Morten Lund, Grzegorz Koprowski, Dominik Ciurko, Jakub Jońca
of Entrepreneurship and the Centre for Dialogue and Analyses Thinktank.The competition jury panel comprised experienced businesspeople, including the world-famous Danish entrepreneur Morten Lund, who over a span of several years has founded or invested in more than a hundred start-ups applying advanced technologies, such as Skype. Businesses eligible for the competition were start-ups using the Internet of Things, i.e. – to put it very simply – solutions which make it possible for devices to communicate between one another, collect information, process it, as well as making forecasts and drawing conclusions based on them.
 The breakthrough technology for UAV steering and stabilising developed by scientists from Wrocław gained the interest of organizers of Wolves Summit, the biggest multinational event in Central and Eastern Europe focused on networking and technological innovations in Warsaw at the end of March 2017. Sky Tronic was selected as one of 350 of most promising technological start-ups. – We appreciate that Sky Tronic attended the conference as one of most innovative high-tech start-ups. It was an honor to present the new technology of steering and stabilisation for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles in many 1:1 meetings with executives, investors, partners and sponsors. The participation in Wolves Summit was a good opportunity to establish the collaborations and partnerships with big corporations and global giants - commented Michał Lower, PhD.
Stability is fuzzy
Sky Tronic is high-tech company operating in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) industry, established by researchers of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, graduates of Wrocław University of Economics and the Institute of Technology Transfer, the company managing the intellectual property of Wrocław University of Science and Technology. The company specializes in designing and producing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV or drones) based on fuzzy logic controller systems for novel autonomous UAV steering and stabilizing of UAV dedicated to dedicated to more efficient coordination of public safety and life rescue operations of mountain and water rescue agencies, police, fire department, border control, forest services, the inspection and monitoring of organized ski runs, ski resorts, cable cars. The company’s operations are based on the original fuzzy logic algorithms for civilian and military applications.
Bogusław Szlachetko, PhD and Michał Lower, PhD, are initiators and main shareholders of Sky Tronic original fuzzy logic algorithms and authors of for novel autonomous UAV steering and stabilizing of UAV. 

Bogusław Szlachetko, PhD and Michał Lower, PhD
    - Our navigation system is unique as it does not require linearisation of UAV model to steer and stabilise the flight. The flight controller uses nonlinear fuzzy controller instead that is more adequate for nonlinear drone properties. The fuzzy logic rules are determined by the pilot-in-command to observe and steer the flying object more precisely as human does using rules of artificial intelligence such as: banking the drone more/less 
- commented  Bogusław Szlachetko, PhD, Research and Development Director at Sky Tronic. 
– Fuzzy logic controller gives us a competitive advantage over standard controllers
on the market. Our 
navigation system 
is more efficient in conditions with dynamic disturbances that can strongly destabilize and break down the drone (change of mass, dropping the cargo, strong gust of wind etc.) in comparison to standard controllers based on proportional integral derivatives (PID). Fuzzy logic controller should improve the safety and stability of the flights of UAV, because our controller enables more precise steering and is more resistant to interference by difficult weather and terrain conditions.   Our fuzzy logic controller system does not need calibration procedures as PID controller and indicates faster return to flight specifications necessary for stable and smooth flight and higher mobility of flying platform to accomplish the special missions. 
New way to wide range of new drone applications

The collaboration of scientists, constructors, professionals and managers from Wrocław opens a way to new practical applications of drones in new fields, that were only timidly tested. Mountain Volunteer Search and Rescue Team in Karkonosze, Poland (Grupa Karkonoska GOPR) is a partner of Sky Tronic to develop unmanned aircrafts dedicated to find the lost and injured in the mountains and transport medical equipment before rescuers arrive by foot, on quads and snow scooters in difficult weather and terrain conditions.
The range of drone applications widens as the flying platform can perform complicated and precise tasks in new fields. Sky Tronic receives new requests from police, military research centers and other institutions. Each request is evaluated by scientific team and if cosidered as future-oriented can be implemented in our casual life. Who has new ideas for new drone applications?

About Sky Tronic
Sky Tronic is advanced technologies company operating in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAV) industry that designs and develops novel UAV technologies for military and cilivilian applications. 
Sky Tronic is “spin-off” company and business initiative of scientists of Wrocław University of Science and Technology, graduates of Wrocław University of Economics and the Institute of Technology Transfer. Sky Tronic uses modern laboratory equipment and technical infrastructure of Wrocław Technology Park to increase the innovation potential of its Unmanned Aerial Vehicles solutions.

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